Pim ten Thije
Interviewer & editor // in the committee from 01-06-2015 to 08-05-2017
During his Bachelors at the University of Amsterdam, Pim was an interviewer and editor at Room for Discussion. As an interviewer, he was interested in a range of topics, such as technology, (inter)national economics, law and politics.
on law, politics and societal developments:
- Dick Schoof (Nation Coordinator Terrorism Prevention) on his work on keeping the Netherlands safe and the legislative/political limits of his work;
- Jan Terlouw (author, former D66 minister) (just after the 2017 general elections in the Netherlands) on his views on the future of the Netherlands.
- Michael van Praag (chair KNVB) on the role of big money in international soccer and the KNVB and UEFA.
- Jesse Klaver (leader Dutch GreenLeft Party) on his book on ‘Economism’ (or: the negative societal effects of rational choice theory in practice).
- Emile Roemer (leader Dutch Socialist Party) on his book Het kan wel (“It can be done”);
- Karen Maex (Rector Magnificus UvA) & Geert ten Dam (Chair Board University of Amsterdam) on the future of the University of Amsterdam after the 2016 turmoil at the university;
on technology:
- Constantijn van Oranje Nassau (Dutch Startup Envoy) & Alexander Ribbink (VC, former CMO TomTom) on the growth of the Dutch Startup Ecosystem;
- Nick Bortot (BUX) & Jean-Paul van Oudheusden (Business development BinckBanck) on the growing Dutch fintech sector;
on economics & finance:
- Arnoud Boot (Co-director Amsterdam Centre for Law & Economics, prof. Corporate Finance UvA) & Sweder van Wijnbergen (prof. Macro Economics UvA) on their predictions for the coming years for the Dutch economy for 2015 and 2016;
- Eric Wiebes (Secretary of Finance) on his views of the future of the Dutch tax authority (Belastingdienst);
Editor & Moderator
Pim had final responsibility for the practical organization (coordinating with guests, the press, UvA security & faculty) of Room for Discussion’s interviews with i.a.:
- Jeroen Dijsselbloem (Dutch Minister of Finance);
- Jean-Francois van Boxmeer (CEO Heineken International);
- Art van der Steur (Dutch Minister of Justice);
- Kip Anderson (Director Cowspiracy);
He was involved with the organisation and content of over 40 other interviews. Room for Discussion was and is often asked to moderate external events. Pim moderated events for the UvA Student Council, the young liberal party (JOVD), Spui25 and the Delft Student Union (VSSD).
As a nerd ?
Together with Floris Jansen (external contractor), Pim developed the roomfordiscussion.com website you are looking at right now. He also contributed to professionalising Room for Discussion’s live stream and online presence of Room for Discussion on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Which has improved much further after he left Room for Discussion!