The Future of the UvA
Oct 10, 2016 | 13:30 - 14:30
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
On Octobre 10th, we will discuss the future of the University of Amsterdam, with none other than Rector Magnificus Karen Maex and President of the Executive Board Geert ten Dam.
Both have been appointed after a year of protests, occupations, resignment of President Louise Gunning, the Supervisory Board and large discontent amongst students and staff of the UvA. Much has happened, but not enough according to some. How do they reflect on the past year’s developments and what are their plans?
The Democratization & Decentralization commission has come up with an advice and a referendum for organizational structure and governance of the UvA. The Diversity commission will also come up with an definitive report on Octobre 12th. What will the consequences be? And what do Mrs. Maex and Mrs. Ten Dam hope for? What are their plans for the University? Will they be able to unite the UvA after months of protests and discontent?
Join the discussion on Monday Octobre 10th!