Crushed Currencies: Turmoil in Emerging Markets
Dec 10, 2018 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
On December 10th, we will be hosting an interview with Nora Neuteboom, the economist for ABN Amro, and from our own University of Amsterdam, Professor Sweder van Wijnbergen. The interview will cover “Crushed Currencies,” and the turmoil that is created in emerging markets. In the interview, we will discuss: causes and consequences of the current financial situation of emerging markets, their sizeable current account deficit, elevated inflation, hefty external debt burden, and heightened political uncertainty.
Currently, there are multiple countries at tremendous risk of incredible destructive economic crises. Severe drops in the values of currencies can drastically alter and change a country’s behavior and can affect countries externally as well.
Throughout the interview, we will connect with current events by focusing on Turkey, Argentina, and other emerging markets. Upon discussing the current-day examples of emerging markets, we will also address the causes and effects of the currency crises. In addition, we will also discuss the extent to which Western Institutions are responsible for the downturn in emerging market currencies.