Ongun Durhan
Interviewer // in the committee from 12-03-2018 to 01-07-2020
I finished my Bachelor’s in PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law, Economics) in 2019, and I am currently completing my Master’s in Political Economy, both at the University of Amsterdam. I find myself drawn into economic history, international relations, international political economy, social policy, and debates on the intellectual origins of ideas on political governance and market organization.
Crushed Currencies: Turmoil in Emerging Markets - Dec 10, 2018
Hal Varian: Chief Economist Google - Mar 20, 2019
Adam Tooze: Under the Shadow of the Great Recession (CANCELLED) - May 10, 2019
China & the EU: Reciprocity or Domination? - Sep 19, 2019
After the Pandemic: How Covid-19 will transform democracy, development and the climate crisis - Oct 29, 2020