Sri M – The Walk of Hope
Mar 28, 2017 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
Sri Madhukarnath, better known as Sri M is a spiritual guide, social reformer and educationist. Sri M’s transformational journey – from a young boy to a living yogi – is a fascinating story. At the young age of 19, he travelled to snow clad Himalayas from Kerala to find his master Sri Maheshwarnath Babaji. He lived with his master for three and half years and wrote the bestseller ‘Apprecenticed to a Himalayan Master – A yogi’s autobiography’, about it.
Over the years, his efforts as a social reformer and educationist have given rise to many initiatives. Satsang Vidyalaya – providing free, high-quality, multi-lingual education to rural children, Manav Ekta Mission – promoting inter-faith harmony that transcends religious, racial, geographical, cultural and ideological differences and Sarva Dharma Kendra – a spiritual retreat to facilitate dialogue between religions and a forum for realising the essential unity of all religions are only a few of his initiatives.
His last initiative is ‘The Walk of Hope’. A movement that has its origins in India, where together with his followers Sri M crossed the country walking, to promote peace and harmony in some of the most heated conflict zones in India. The movement has now spread across the globe and has been actively endorsed by the UN. On Thursday, March 30th a walk will take place in Den Haag.
On Tuesday, March 28th Sri M will explore with us alternative ways to peace and interfaith harmony. How did he became the man he is nowadays? What are the success factors of the ‘Walk of Hope’? Can these successes be used for international conflict resolution? What is his vision on the current problems in the western world?
A rare and unique interview with a transboundary spiritual leader.
Who: Sri M
What: Spiritual and social mediation in a world of chaos and conflict
Date: 28th of March
Time: 13.00-14.00