Faith in Politics? A Conversation with Gert-Jan Segers
Jun 29, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:00
E-Hall, UvA
This interview is in English
Gert Jan Segers was the head of the CU (ChristenUnie) van 2015 – 2023. During this time he was instrumental in the formation of Rutte III and Rutte IV. Before this he was a missionary in Egypt for 7 years. He is the author of the book: Macht en Onmacht: Politicus in een verdeeld land, along with many others and the co-host of the podcast Dijkhof&Segers.
Join us for a riveting conversation about the role of the CU in previous formation, Mr Segers on the current formation, the role of religion in politics and the hardening discussion climate on the 20th of June from 13:00 to 14:00 at the E-hall on Roeterseiland.