RfD x JAI: Beyond the Water’s Edge: Charting a New Course for America?
Dec 12, 2024 | 19:30 - 20:45
Museum 't Kromhout, Kruithuisstraat 25, Amsterdam
This interview is in English
Please note: this event starts at 7.30pm. The visiting address of the venue is located at Kruithuisstraat 25, which is not the regular entrance to the museum.
Join the John Adams Institute and Room for Discussion to dive headfirst into the implications of a second Trump administration. Moderators will be Lot Buis from the John Adams Institute and Sean Cotter-Lem from Room for Discussion.
Themes like “restoring America’s greatness” and “securing our borders” resonated with voters across the country, bringing with them far-reaching implications both at home and abroad. The electorate is clear: it is time for change. They placed trust in the Republican message, which campaigned on withdrawing from foreign wars, bringing down prices at the pump and in the grocery store, and upending the immigration system.
How will campaign promises and domestic priorities translate to concrete policy and how might this impact the standing of the United States in the world? In the weeks following the results of 5 November, glimpses of what a second Trump administration may look like are slowly becoming more apparent. One thing, however, is certain: the vision is clearer and the scope more far-reaching than in 2016. With a decisive victory in both the Electoral College and the popular vote, a united Republican party and Trump’s team of advisors are gunning to make their platform a reality.
Nevertheless, the country appears more divided than ever, and the questions remain: can the new administration find common ground to bridge divides between Americans? What will this result mean for the fate of Europe, and for us, right here in the Netherlands? And what are your personal hopes, fears, and expectations for America’s future?
Join our panel of experts to delve into these and other pertinent issues at a town-hall style event, where questions are not only welcome, but encouraged.
- Anna van Zoest, director of the Netherlands Atlantic Association, will help us delve into the foreign policy and economic implications of the incoming administration: from the war in Ukraine to the position of the United States in the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific.
- Kenneth Manusama, author, lawyer and America expert, will deliver insights on how American society may be altered from a legal and constitutional perspective.
- Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal, journalist and former America correspondent for the NOS, will analyze the outcome of the elections, and comment on Trump nominees, helping us look deeper than the headlines to the political makeup of the Senate and the House.