EVENT CANCELLED: Behavioural Economics: Dick Swaab & Donna Harris
Oct 16, 2017 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
The homo economicus, the illustrative name of the highly rational economic human being, who is efficiently calculating ways to maximize its self-interest. This figure and the assumption that all humans act like him, rational and self-interested, is the basis for many mainstream economic theories and models.
However a growing field of behavioural economists suggests that irrationality is the invisible hand that drives human decision making. Despite the best efforts of humans to make rational decisions, cognitive biases prevent us from doing so.
What kind of biases are preventing us from making rational decisions? Are we able to take rational decisions? How can we use insights from behavioural economics in current economic models? What does this mean for society?
We are very pleased to discuss this and more with Donna Harris, behavioural economist and lecturer at the department of developmental economics at the University of Oxford and Dick Swaab, physician, neurobiologist, former director of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and author of the bestsellers ‘Wij zijn ons brein’ and ‘Ons creatieve brein’.
We hope to see you all on the 16th of October.
What: Behavioural Economics
Where: E-hal, roeterseiland 11
When: October 16th, 13:00-14:00
Guests: Donna Harris (Behavioural economist, University of Oxford) & Dick Swaab (Neurobiologist, former director of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience)
Interviewers: Kari Spijker & Benji Kusters