The #metoo Movement of the Dutch Art World
Dec 9, 2020 | 13:00 - 14:00
This interview is in English
How it came to light that the Dutch art scene is less progressive than it makes itself out to be.
We are honoured to announce that we will be interviewing Lucette ter Borg and Carola Houtekamer. Two renowned investigative journalists for the NRC who wrote the article on Juliaan Andeweg that is the inspiration for this interview.
Besides being an award winning novelist, Lucette ter Borg is also a well known art critic writing mainly on the Dutch art scene. She has recently also published work on the lack of diversity within Dutch art institutions. Carola Houtekamer has worked as editor on manufacturing, construction and tech for the NRC. And she has recently written investigative pieces on datacentres in the Wieringermeerpolder and the impact of windmills.
The article that we will be discussing is on the troubling case of Dutch artist Juliaan Andeweg. A three month long investigation by ter Borg and Houtekamer uncovered a trial of accusations of rape, harrasement, violence and theft dating back to Andeweg his time at the artschool KABK. The incompetence in dealing with these allegations of Dutch art institutions shocked many, but also started a bigger #metoo movement within the Dutch art scene.
The instagram account @calloutdutchartinstitutions was created and gained around 10.000 followers in only a few days. The account featured disturbing experiences of sexual harassment, racism, sexism and the ineduqacy of the institutions in dealing with these allegations. This showed that the case of Juliaan Andeweg was not just an isolated incident but was an indication of a larger problem within the Dutch art world. The problem being a rather non-progressive and unprofessional culture within Dutch art schools, galleries, museums and more. Discussions on lack of diversity and representation within the Dutch art scene have also gained attraction following the publication of this article.
We will be discussing all of this and more during our hour-long interview with Lucette ter Borg and Carola Houtekamer. The interview will be in English and the livestream will be published in this Facebook event!