The Impact of the Blockchain
May 19, 2017 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
One of the most discussed technological developments today is the Blockchain, the technology behind the digital Bitcoin currency that is expected to shake up our world economy. The technology allows for a integer and efficient transfer of not only information, but anything of value (think money, intellectual property, contracts etc.). While its application and impact on the financial sector have been more evident, other industries are now also hoping to profit from the technology. What are the possibilities of the Blockchain? How will it impact our economy and society? What industries will it affect and what will it replace? What role can the Netherlands play in becoming a leader in the field?
On Friday May 19th, Room for Discussion will discuss these topics and more with Louis de Bruin and Simone Vermeend. Mr. De Bruin is the head of IBM’s European Blockchain practice. He spotted the the potential of the Blockchain for transforming financial and other industries early on and has become one of the leaders of IBM’s efforts to develop their Blockchain services. Ms. Vermeend is Innovation Lead at NN Group and is the author of “Blockchain – De Technologie die de Wereld Radicaal Verandert,” one of the first Dutch books on the impact of the Blockchain.
More information will follow soon…