Jeroen Rijpkema (CEO Triodos Bank): Perseverance of Idealism
Feb 8, 2022 | 16:00 - 17:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
‘On of the most sustainable banks in the world’ is how the Triodos bank advertises itself. How did they achieve this role? And will they be able to keep this role in the future? We will be answering these questions and many more in our interview with Triodos CEO Jeroen Rijpkema, the seasoned banker making the switch from the corporate big fish ABN Amro to the green Triodos. Why does a private banking CEO move to an idealistic niche bank in Zeist? And how did his background in compliance and risk assessment prepare him for this move?
Do you want to know if you should also make the switch to Triodos, come and see our interview with Jeroen Rijpkema on the 8th of February in the E-hall, Roeterseilandcampus. This interview will be interesting for everyone from your finance groupie to you climate bro!
Who? CEO of Triodos Jeroen Rijpkema
Where? Central hall of the E-building, Roeterseilandcampus
Interviewers? Loïs Kok & Casper de Haes
When? February 8th, 16:00 – 17:00