COP21 and Climate Change: Will This Conference Save the Next Generation?

Nov 12, 2015 | 12:30 - 13:30

Room for Discussion podium


This interview is in English

From the november 30th until december 11th, world leaders come together in Paris to to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate. Lobby groups, activists, political parties and large businesses are involved in the negotiations to come to a solid agreement to prevent the world from suffering climate change disasters in the future.

As a preparation for this enormously important conference, Room for Discussion has invited three very interesting experts in the field; Joyeeta Gupta, Bert Metz & Michel Rentenaar to talk with us about the importance of this conference, and the solutions that a possible Paris Agreement could bring.

Bert Metz is a Dutch climate policy expert. He was Co-chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, United Nations) Currently he is a fellow at the european climate foundation. Metz also led the Netherlands delegation to the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol to the Climate Convention.

Joyeeta Gupta is Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South at the UvA. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Oxfam Novib and the Board of Commissioners of the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam. She is Vice-President of the Commission on Development Cooperation and member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs, a statutory body that advises the Dutch Government.