Alvin Roth

Jan 8, 2014 | 13:00 - 14:00

Room for Discussion podium


This interview is in English

Room for Discussion proudly announces that none other than Alvin Roth, Nobel Prize winner in the Economic Sciences, will be our guest for an exclusive hour-long interview.

In 2012, Alvin Roth, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, won the prestigious Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his significant contributions to the fields of game theory, market design and experimental economics. In particular, he put economic theory into lifesaving practice by redesigning mechanisms for linking kidney donors to recipients, students to high schools in New York City and pupils to primary schools in Boston.

This is your chance to be inspired by a man that changed economics! Besides sketching the fields that he has worked in, we will also discuss the validity of economics as a science, where this discipline is heading, and how Alvin Roth finds inspiration.

The interview with Alvin Roth will take place at 13:00, on January 8th. You are all welcome in the central hall of the economic faculty of the University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 11, where the well-known Chesterfield couches await you.