Mark van Baal: Activist Investment
May 7, 2019 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
Whoever thinks that investing is only to be done by means of buying and selling shares is wrong. Not only rate of returns and stock prices are important when deciding what kind of shares to buy, but also the business that the company is actually doing is really important. How much do companies adhere to societal pressures and to what extent do they take their corporate social responsibility?
More and more initiatives are launched by which this becomes an important factor when making investment decisions. Investing is more than making returns instead of putting your money on your savings account, it is also a way in which business is financed, and business decisions are being made. How can you steer business in a more desirable way?
Together with the Sefa Investment Day, we are happy to organize an interview on the topic of Activist Investment.
Our first guest will be Mark van Baal, founder of Follow This. According to Follow This, shareholders can change the world. The organization consists of a group of shareholders in oil and gas companies that try to support companies’ commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement. How does Mark van Baal influence the direction that for example Shell is heading towards?
As always, the interview is free to attend. Do you want to take part in SEFA’s Investment Day, sign up here: https://sefa.nl/sid
When: May 7th
Where: Roeterseilandcampus.
Application deadline: April 28th
More information on the interview will follow soon!