Water & The Netherlands On A Global Stage
Apr 13, 2018 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
The Netherlands, the country that fights against the sea and that works with it at the same time. It is, we can say, the only country in the world that really knows how to deal with being under threat by water. The impressive skills of water engineering and of water management make everyone in the world envious, especially in our current state of affairs. We are seeing unprecedented rising sea levels and a climate that is changing dramatically. This not only means that we are experiencing more and more floods than before, or droughts, but also big changes in the way we co-live with one of our essential ingredients that keep us alive. Water.
That is why Room for Discussion is honoured to have an interview together with Henk Ovink the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands and with Chantal Oudkerk Pool, Head of Adaptation Planning at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.
Our first guest, Henk Ovink as the first ambassador for the Dutch water sector, he is responsible for maintaining good relations with foreign governments, knowledge institutions, umbrella organizations, the business community and civil society organizations.
While our second guest, Chantal Oudkerk Pool, who is currently Head of Adaption Planning at C40, supports the coalition of 90 cities with developing their plans to build climate resilience and adapting to climate risks.
More information regarding the topics of the interview will follow soon.