USA Presidential Elections
Nov 1, 2016 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
Hillary or Trump? That’s the question. But not the only question and maybe not even the most important one. Because what happens after the polls close in the United States on Tuesday, November 8?
On the 1st of november, exactly one week before American citizens can vote for their new president on november 8th, Room for Discussion will host its final interview on the American Presidential Elections.
We will skip the chit-chat and dive deep into the matter: look at Clinton’s policy proposals, Trump’s possible denial of the results and were the ‘most powerful country’ of the world will be next year.
We will do so with Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal and Tom-Jan Meeus.
— Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal is a Dutch Television anchor of Nieuwsuur, journalist and former America correspondent. He studied American Studies at the University of Groningen and worked as a reporter for the Dutch Public TV NOS.
From 2007 till 2012 Bosch van Rosenthal worked in Washington as a America- correspondent for the NOS. In fall 2016, he presented an eight-series documentary called ‘Droomland Amerika’ (Dreamland America) which was screened on Dutch television as a ‘warm up’ for the American Elections.
— Tom-Jan Meeus is currently political journalist at the Dutch quality newspaper NRC Handelsblad. Meeus worked and lived in the United States from 2005 till 2011 as a US correspondent for NRC Media. He has written several books such as ‘De grote Amerikashow’ (The grand America show) and the book ‘Obama Obama’.
Meeus has won many prices for his work as a journalist such as the Herman Wekkerprijs (best reporting from English language countries) for coverage of U.S. presidential campaign in 2008. Since 2014 Meeus is also a regular contributor to the Dutch Sunday TV show Buitenhof.
We hope to see you the 1st of November at the Room for Discussion podium!
Language: English
Where: E-hal, University of Amsterdam
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Entry: Free (as always)
Interviewers: Jochem Jordaan & Amrit Baboeram