The Future of the World’s Oldest Stock Exchange
Nov 11, 2022 | 13:00 - 14:00
E-Hall, UvA
This interview is in English
From shouting men shovelling papers to a button on your phone. Stock exchanges have offered a market for over 600. But what influence do politics, technology, and the stock market industry itself have on the price? Does the market, balancing the needs of buyers and sellers, provides a fair foundation? Will Stock Exchanges stand the test of time against Blockchains?
Join us for a discussion about the ups and downs of the Stock Market with the CEO of the first Stock Exchange in the World, Simone Huis in ‘t Veld. She is CEO of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange with over 20 years of senior management experience in the financial industry. We are excited to welcome her on our stage on the 11 November at 13:00 to 14:00.