Chris Zook

Apr 15, 2014 | 12:30 - 13:30

E-Hall, UvA


This interview is in English

On Tuesday April 15 Chris Zook, best-selling business author and partner at Bain & Company, was our guest at Room for Discussion.

Why do some firms flourish, while others wither? Chris Zook, a best-selling business author, has spent a life-time answering this question. On Tuesday April 15th, we pick mr. Zook’s brain for the answers.

In the space of ten years, mr. Zook authored five business books on what makes a successful firm, well, successful. His trilogy on profiting from your core business received widespread critical acclaim. The Economist identified “Beyond the Core” as one of the top five business books of its publishing year. His work eventually earned him a spot in the Times of London list of the 50 Most Influential Global Business Thinkers.

In this interview we delve into mr. Zook’s business acumen, as well as his experience at international strategy firm Bain & Company, where mr. Zook is currently partner and the head of the research department. Finally, we discuss the importance of the business relations between the USA and The Netherlands.

Who: Chris Zook

What: best-selling business author, partner at Bain & Company

When: Tuesday April 15, 12.30 – 13.30

Where: Amsterdamse Academische Club, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 235, Amsterdam