Chanel Miller: Know My Name
Feb 26, 2020 | 13:00 - 14:00
Room for Discussion podium
This interview is in English
We are honoured to announce, that we will be hosting Chanel Miller at Room for Discussion.
Miller was sexually assaulted in 2015 at Stanford University and rose to the public eye after victim impact statement went viral on Buzzfeed. In this statement, as well as media and court documents, she was consistently referred to as Emily Doe. This promptly changed after her book ‘Know My Name: A Memoir’ was published in 2019. This brought up questions on how one should define victimhood and reclaim power when it comes to sexual assault. It also raises questions about the current campus culture and the #MeToo movement.
We will talk about these questions and more on the 26th of February!
Hope to see you there!
Who: Chanel Miller
When: 26th of February 1pm – 2pm
Interviewers: Carli Kooijman and Zoe Gaspar